Schwarzenegger on Aging Terminator in TERMINATOR: GENESIS
Via: MTV
Arnold Schwarzenegger has revealed some new details about Alan Taylor's Terminator: Genesis. Some of those details address the issue of his age, explaining that there is an aging Terminator. He also says that the story includes several versions of his T-800, including a young one.
"'Terminator' deals a lot with time travel, so there will be a younger T-800, and then [there is] what that model does later on when it gets reprogrammed, and who gets ahold of him. So it will be all kinds of interesting twists in the movie."
He then goes on to discuss the film's solution to having his robot killing machine age,
"The way that the character is written, it's a machine underneath. It's this metal skeleton. But above that is human flesh. And the Terminator's flesh ages, just like any other human being's flesh. Maybe not as fast. But it definitely ages."
So they wrote themselves out of that corner. I guess it could make sense. I'm sure we'll get a more detailed explanation of it in the movie. I like everything I've heard about the story for this movie so far, it's got a great cast, and I hope that the director can pull off something awesome that the fans of the franchise will love.
Genesis is the first in a stand-alone trilogy, and will also star Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, and J.K. Simmons. The movie is set to be released in theaters on July 1, 2015.