Script Details From THE FORCE AWAKENS Reveal More About Film's Final Scene

*Hey there are spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens in here, so do with that information what you will.*

The guys over at /Film have obtained a copy of the script for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and have uncovered even more detail behind what was happening in the film's final moments. So what we saw was Rey and crew land the Falcon on a planet, she presents a lightsaber to none other than Luke Skywalker, and roll credits...BUT APPARENTLY THERE WAS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!

For starters, Luke's reaction to seeing her, according to the script, is one of "kindness and something tortured" and he “doesn’t need to ask her who she is, or what she is doing here.” Either this means Luke just knows Rey's capability with the Force and why she was drawn to him, or he knows exactly who she is. I'm going to guess the latter, and with this new info I'm now going with the popular theory that she is his daughter!

The planet Rey and Chewie land on is named "AHCH-To" which is completely new to the Star Wars universe. The description of it involves pristine blue oceans, black rock islands and forests...which sound like a much more badass training ground than Dagobah. Something the /Film guys picked up on was that AHCH is Hebrew for the word "brother"...but then actually pronouncing AHCH-To sounds like "Act Two," and both sound equally convincing to me.

The implication that Rey could potentially be the sister of Luke Skywalker though...I'm digging that idea. Maybe in Luke's travels he learned of a clone created of Anakin or something. I won't get too speculative — you can do that in the comments.

There's also more information regarding Rey's vision sequence, so make sure to check out the link!

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