Sean Astin Shares Amusing Story of a Fan Who Pointed Out a Plot "Anomaly" in THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trilogy

Ya gotta love fan boys. During a recent interview with ScreenRant, The Lord of the Rings star Sean Astin shared an amusing story of a fan who was determined to get a message to director Peter Jackson about a plot anomaly he noticed in The Fellowship of the Ring.

While The Lord of the Rings trilogy is pretty much perfect, this fan found one mistake that was made. But, it was too late to make any changes! Aston shared:

"It's funny how, after a week of it, you're just used to it. You're just like, 'Oh yeah, of course, we're in another thing, we're in another thing. But we jump in the limo and there's this guy knocking on the window because people were always like ... It was like a Beatles movie, they were always chasing after you. It was crazy. But this guy, he was dressed fancy. So I rolled the window down a little bit, and he puts an envelope through the thing, and he is like, 'Hi, I'm Dr. So-and-so.' He's like, 'I have to tell Peter Jackson that there's a mistake, or there's an anomaly,' or something like that.

"When the cave troll comes into Balin's Tomb, and it's really the first time the Fellowship sets up as a group, and we're fighting him. I'm using pots and pans on orcs, and Elijah's [Wood] got the mithril vest to stave off the orc, or the whatever, the cave troll stabs him with the spear. Well, Balin's Tomb, the dwarf is lit by a ray of sunlight, and the cave troll passes through it. Well, if you know The Hobbit, when trolls encounter sunlight, they turn to stone. This cardiologist had identified this seam in the universe, in the mythology where we had made this mistake. I just remember thinking, 'I don't think we can redo it now, man.'"

I just thought that was a fun little tidbit of information to share. As you know it’s the 20th anniversary of the release of the first film in the trilogy, and there have been a lot fun little things coming out on the film.

Astin didn’t say if he relayed the message to Jackson, though. It’s not like they could do anything about it if he did!

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