Sean Bean's THE FRANKENSTEIN CHRONICLES Will Be A&E’s Next Miniseries
It was announced today that A&E has picked up the British miniseries The Frankenstein Chronicles, starring everyone’s favorite perpetual film and TV casualty, Sean Bean. Variety reports that the six-episode miniseries was created by writer/director Benjamin Ross (The Young Poisoner’s Handbook) and writer Barry Langford (Torte Bluma), and the outlet offers the following details:
The show is a re-imagining of the Frankenstein story set in 19th-century London. After a successful operation by the Thames River Police to nab a gang of opium smugglers, a child’s corpse is discovered. Inspector John Marlott (Bean) is horrified to discover that it’s not actually a child, but a grotesque assembly of human body parts. We follow Marlott on the hunt for the killer behind this abomination, taking him into the dark corners of Georgian London, an underworld of prostitution, drug smuggling, bodysnatching, murder for profit and other vices.
I am super excited for this to come out. I certainly hope that this is going to be one gig where Bean actually lives the whole way through. Now that I have completely doomed his character in the show, let's see what happens.
No word yet as to when we can expect this show to be released, but because we love you, we will keep you up to date on any news related to The Frankenstein Chronicles.