SHERLOCK Series Creator is Ready To Start Writing Season 5 Tomorrow if Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman Returned

Steven Moffat’s Sherlock series was so damn good and like all of the other fans, I hope that one day we actually get a Season 5. Moffat is ready to move on it and said in a recent interview that he would “start writing Sherlock tomorrow” if Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman agreed to return. But, those guys are so busy right now!

After congratulating Cumberbatch and Freeman on their success, he asked them to come back, saying: "They're on to bigger and better things but, Martin and Benedict, 'please come back?'“

The last time that we saw the two actors playing these roles was back in 2017, and it seems like it’s been forever ago! The world needs them back as the dynamic detective duo for at least one more adventure!

A couple of years ago, Cumberbatch talked about the possibility of picking up where they left off, saying: "Oh look, I still say never say never. You know, I really like that character… it's just, the circumstances need to be right and I think maybe it's too soon now to see it have another life. I think, wonderful as it is, it's had its moment for now. But that's not to say it wouldn't have another iteration in the future."

Moffat seems to have a story for Season 5 that he’s really excited and happy about, so the circumstances are right for him and he’s ready to go! Moffatt went on to say: "Rather excitingly, Mark (Gatiss) and I, for no particular reason, just started plotting out what we could do in the future. We plotted out the whole of series four and five. The ideas we had that day, I thought were the best we've ever had. So we have got plans – but our plans don't tend to be 'Let's blow up the world or cast the most famous person in the world', they tend to be 'What exciting twists and turns can we add to this?' and I think we've got some crackers!"

Now we just need Cumberbatch and Freeman on board to get this sucker into development! Let’s go!

Source: Deadline

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