Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Share a SHAUN OF THE DEAD Coronavirus Update Video

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost recently teamed up again to create a fun and clever coronavirus-themed video that is an updated reenactment of a classic Shaun of the Dead scene.

Remember the scene from the 2004 Edgar Wright directed film where Shaun (Pegg) and Ed (Frost) talk about their plan to survive in the zombie apocalypse? It’s such a great sequence, and I included it for you below to watch below as a refresher.

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With the world currently in the state it’s in, the actors shared the following video in which Pegg and Frost reenact the scene via a phone conversation with some timely coronavirus updates. It’s quite delightful, and there’s no doubt fans are going to enjoy this. Ya gotta love these guys!

A public service announcement from Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

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