SKIES OF ARCADIA - First 4 Figures' Vyse Statue Up for Pre-Order
When this whole HD remaster craze started, there were a few games that topped my list of most wanted, and towards the top was Sega and Overworks outstanding Dreamcast RPG Skies of Arcadia. While there was an upgraded port on the Gamecube, there hasn’t been another one since, and now that RPGs seem to be undergoing a renaissance of sorts, maybe now is a good time to make this a real thing.
Now that my pitch to Sega is on the books, let's get to why we’re here shall we? First 4 Figures has expanded their Sega All Stars line yet again, and it features none other than Vyse, star of the above mentioned Skies of Arcadia. The statue is pure fan service, including his Blue Rogue faction’s flag, a switch out hand that includes his standby cutlass, and facial features and style lines featuring the same cool, cartoony art style that was so beloved by fans. Vyse comes in at 17 inches tall, and is one of 425 pieces being made, so if you like what you see get to steppin' like Martin and preorder yours now. That is if you’ve got $219.99 lying around.
It should be said that any day I can make a Martin reference qualifies as one that was truly worthwhile.