Some Guy Has Made Spider-Man Inspired Arm Grappling Hooks and He's Kickstarting an "Experience"

There's a Kickstarter campaign that recently launched for an experience that will allow people to swing around like Spider-Man thanks to these grappling hooks that you strap onto your arms. It's called "Air-Ropes: The Grappling Hook Experience". When I opened up the email to this I thought it was a joke, but nope! This is something someone is actually trying to do, and I see so many lawsuits in his future. The creator says:

So I've built this grappling hook launcher that lets you swing through the air like Spider-Man. Now I'm turning it into a traveling theme park ride, so YOU can try this too.
Everyone will start by trying on the rope launchers and aiming at targets before any swinging is done. So you can still have fun without going to the next step.
Then you can do some small practice swings and basic manoeuvres. And those who are good enough will be let into the main arena where you can shoot and swing in any direction you want.
No bravery is required. I started doing small swings and worked my way up. Even the smallest swings are fun.
I'm also wearing a special body harness that takes all the weight off your arms and shoulders so you don't need to worry about having enough strength to do this.

I'm sure there are some people out there that would be interested in giving it a try. I think the whole thing looks kind of ridiculous though. It seems like it could be fun, but I just see so many complications with what he's trying to do, that it won't work out as smoothly as he thinks it will. Watch the video below and you'll see what I mean. After you watch it, tell us what you think!

Kickstarter ends May 18th 2018. Don't miss out, let's make this happen.

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