Sony Is Developing THE KAIJU SCORE, a Heist Film Set During a Giant Monster Attack

Sony Pictures has picked up the rights to AfterShock Comics’ upcoming comic series The Kaiju Score, and they will be developing it as a feature film. This comic actually has a pretty cool and wild concept as it follows a group of criminals who attempt to pull off the perfect heist during a giant monster attack on the city.

The story was described by co-creator and writer James Patrick as “a Quentin Tarantino film taking place in some corner of a Godzilla movie.” He went on to talk about his comic landing a film deal saying:

“The truth is that the whole thing has been wonderful and surreal, but I've also found myself kind of having not digested it because it happened so fast. I’ve tried to not be excited about it and just focus on my work, but I've failed at that. I'm excited. Period. Excited because it will hopefully bring more eyes to the book since it won't come out until November, excited for people to read the book and see how much more it is than just a good hook, and excited if it brings more attention to my other work and to [co-creator] Rem Broo's wonderful art and his other books.

“Despite the fact that things happened with the publisher and movie deal so fast, this was a book that was developed for a while and it's nice to see a payoff. And there's a sense of relief since Rem had committed himself to it so long ago and put in so much work before anything ever came of it. And I can't communicate enough how excited I am that this is with Sony and Escape Artists. They make great movies and I feel the material is in great hands. I can't believe how lucky we got.”

While the film is moving forward, there’s still a lot of work to do on the comic. These guys have to press forward with the pressure of the film on their shoulders. When talking about that Ren Broo added:

“Not only has the book not been released yet, but it hasn't been finalized. James did a fantastic job on the script, but I still have plenty to do on the visual part. This fact keeps me grounded and cool-headed for the moment. I need to keep myself focused on doing my job as well as my abilities allow me to, and let the things develop into something that I’m sure will be great.”

Patrick is confident in the finished comic book product, and he explains, “It goes deeper than the hook and has some great characters, great dialogue, great moments, and Rem's killer art. We always believed this book should have a cool element and swagger that would make it stand out. That if this book were a person, everyone would notice it when it walked into a room.”

While this is sure to make a wicked awesome movie that a lot of people will enjoy, I’m also looking forward to picking up the comic and reading it! The Kaiju Score will launch November 25 in comic book stores and digitally.

Source: THR

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