SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Mysterio Costume Details Revealed

This week we got a more extensive trailer for the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home movie, and now that Avengers: Endgame is out of the way, fans are focusing on this next Marvel film and speculating all we can to see what will come of it. The newest character in this Spider-Man universe is Mysterio, played by Jake Gyllenhaal. Fans of the comics know Mysterio as a villain from the world of Spider-Man, but the trailers for the movie are making him appear to be a good guy who needs the help of our own Peter Parker. Fans are being cautiously optimistic.

For now we get to at least get some info on the character’s costume and development through the eyes of the director, Jon Watts. Comicbook.com was able to visit the set of the upcoming film and speak to Watts a bit about the influences he had while developing the character Mysterio and how he went about designing his costume. Here’s what he had to say:

"We tried a couple different things, but the second you take the fishbowl away, it's not Mysterio. That just sort of became one of the key visual concepts that makes him Mysterio. But in terms of how to actually execute that in a way that still looks cool, that took that some [research and development]."

And when asked about making the character more heroic than villainous, Watts said:

"Mysterio enters the comic as a hero. So, I always took it right back to the source material and what made that character exciting initially."

It will be interesting to see if they keep moving Mysterio in this direction or if he eventually ends up becoming the villain. It will be fun to find out. How would you like them to proceed with the character? Find out what happens on July 2, when Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into a theater near you.

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