SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Concept Art Shows Spidey's Expressiveness

One of the trickiest things about Spider-Man in the Comics is the fact that he wears a mask, and yet he's one of the most expressive comic book characters around. However, in all the previous Spider-Man films, he's always just had the one face.

Because it's a comic, characters like Deadpool and Spiderman's mask would often have their eyes expressing different reactions due to both characters wearing masks. Many comic artists will play around with these expressions, while others will stay with just the plain mask. However, Spider-Man being so expressive makes him so much fun. Because of real life masks having the inability to change in real life, movies have had to stick with Spidey's face being one thing.

Not with Marvel's new version of Spider-Man, though! With his new high-tech suit, they made his eyes change shape and size based on his real facial expressions underneath, which makes things so much cooler. Below you'll find some concept art from @MCU_Tweets that really shows a lot of fun that can be had with the character. Marvel really wanted to make this version of Spider-Man different, and they've succeeded. 

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