SSX TRICKY Producer Wants to Reboot or Remaster the Awesome Game
SSX Tricky is probably my favorite snowboard video game. The characters are fantastic and it’s just a lot of fun. Even the soundtrack is fantastic. Well, apparently, one of the producers thinks it should and could be remastered. Steven Rechtschaffner recently talked to LADbible and talked about how SSX Tricky could be remastered for modern consoles and gameplay.
It's in the hands of SSX because they own the intellectual property. I have contemplated what it would mean, whether to remaster or even reboot the series.
You're beholden to the expectations that people had from a long time ago. I easily think they could remaster [SSX] Tricky but there would be a tonne of work to be able to have live head-to-head competition and gameplay - just because the game wasn't architected that way.
We actually did architect SSX 3 that way. We fully intended to make it playable online so that would be more possible.
I would totally buy a remastered or remade SSX Tricky. Heck, just a new SSX game would be a blast. I’m not the only one though as Rechtschaffner also talked about the games targeted audience and his younger nieces still enjoy the games despite their age:
“It was never meant to be a snowboard game for snowboarders. It was meant to be a game for a person like me who sees these activities and sees things I’ve never seen before and thinks ‘that would be so cool to be able to do’.
My nieces who are 12 and 10 were here with a friend. They came in and about 10 minutes later they’re playing SSX 3.
They just picked it up in the middle of a course and ended up having the time of their lives. They’re just snowboarding, trying to get to the bottom of the hill.
They’re not even thinking about tricks or racing each other, they’re just having fun. My oldest niece goes ‘this is really fun, what game is this?’ and I realised oh my gosh, this game was out and gone before you were born.”
Dear SSX, EA, or whoever else may have to approve of this. MAKE IT HAPPEN! Money will be made and fans will be pleased. There is no loss in this situation.