Stan Lee Chooses Between Team Cap or Team Iron Man
The marketing for Captain America: Civil War has done a good job of dividing fandom between Team Cap and Team Iron Man, but which side does comics legend Stan Lee support?
According to, Lee was asked that very question on the red carpet before the world premiere of Civil War, and Lee dramatically took out a coin, flipped it, and said: "Captain America," and adding, "No doubt about it!"
When asked why he prefers Cap over Iron Man, he cracked, "Because Chris Evans is about half an inch taller than Robert Downey Jr. That’s as good a reason as any, if you have to have a reason!"
But of course, he wouldn't actually commit to either side, probably because he never wants to alienate fans who hold a different opinion. "I don’t care, I love them both, they’re both going to look real good on screen, and the audience is going to have a tough time deciding. I love them both." It's OK if you actually choose one, Stan. If someone actually cares enough to get incensed about it, they'll forget in a day and move on to the next thing to get outraged about.
Civil War hits theaters on May 6th.