STAR WARS Actor Samuel L. Jackson Says He Thinks Mace Windu Could Still Be Alive

Mace Windu is one Star Wars character that fans had mostly written off as gone for good at this point. He seemingly died in the third prequel in 2015, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, but that hasn’t kept him from reminding fans and Star Wars producers that he would be willing to return as the badass Jedi.

He reiterated his stance during a recent appearance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, in which he stated:

“I mean, there’s a long history of one-armed, one-handed people in the Star Wars universe. So, just cause they cut my arm off and I fell out of a window, doesn’t mean I’m dead.

“I’m a Jedi! I’m the second-most powerful Jedi in the universe, next to Yoda. Yeah, he’s out there walking the Earth with Jules [from Pulp Fiction.]”

Jackson sat down with Josh Horowitz’s Happy, Sad, Confused podcast previously, and spawned chatter about his possible return when he talked about asking director Bryce Dallas Howard to get him back in the Star Wars universe via The Mandalorian.

While that hasn’t happened yet, it sparked the entire debate of whether or not Mace Windu survived among fans once again. He said in the interview:

“There’s a huge history of people with one hand returning in Star Wars… The only person I’ve ever said that to about coming back was Bryce Dallas Howard, ’cause I just did a movie with her.

“And she directs episodes of The Mandalorian, so, ‘You think you might be able to hook a brother up? I mean you like me, right?’ She’s like, ‘I love you, you’re amazing!’ So, ‘Put me back in there… Put me in, coach, I’m ready!’ You know, I’ll learn to lightsaber left-handed. Come on, hook me up.”

The fans help determine a lot of what gets put into production over there at Lucasfilm. So let us know if you’d like to see Jackson return as Mace Windu below. I know I would!

via: CB

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