STAR WARS Burlesque Show Coming to the US
There is every kind of parody out there for Star Wars. Anime? Yup. Porn? Yup. Every TV show after it? Yup. We’ve even talked about burlesque parodies in the past. Here’s some information on the latest though. The Empire Strips Back started as a one-off event in Australia back in 2011. It was then turned into a full show in 2014 and it is coming to the United States now. It will start with six shows in California. If you live in or near Riverside, Los Angeles, San Jose, San Diego, San Francisco, and/or Sacramento, consider yourself in luck. You can head over to their website right now to look into tickets and times.
The part I find most interesting is that director Russall S. Beattie claims that the show sticks to the canon as closely as it can. Obviously, some things have changed (Luke and Vader are women in the show for instance), but he said the following about creating the show:
Here’s a trailer for the US tour that I would rate as somewhere between PG and PG-13. You can find some more videos on their site, but understand they are definitely NSFW.
Source: Comicbook