STAR WARS Comic Writers Debunk Theory That Palpatine Created Anakin

The Star Wars comics have some fans a little confused. Back in Darth Vader #25, fans thought they’d seen proof that Palpatine created Anakin Skywalker in Schmee Skywalker using the Dark Side of the Force. Then, more recently in Star Wars #25, fans thought they got their confirmation of this as Darth Vader is confronted by some dark moments in his life, one of which shows the Emperor creating Anakin. Well, two members of the story team for the comics have come out to explain that this is not what fans think.

Matt Martin sent out the following tweet to debunk the idea that the Emperor created Anakin.

Then, Charles Soule, the author of Star Wars #25, hopped on and confirmed what Martin had said with the following tweet.

So, I guess the Emperor didn’t create Anakin? Then is he simply just a weird creation of the universe?


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