STAR WARS: EPISODE IX Title May Be Announced in May

Mark Allen is a news anchor for Morning Blend on ABC 10 in Sacramento. He also took a trip to Pinewood Studios recently and got to learn about Star Wars: Episode IX. Unfortunately for fans, Allen is embargoed. This means that he can’t reveal any information he was given until a set date. Thanks to his Instagram post, we know that date is May 4, or maybe it’s April 5?

May 4 is more likely as that is Star Wars Day (May the Fourth), and Allen is an American and we write our dates with the month first. Some are confused about this date though since Disney’s Star Wars Celebration will be happening mid-April and the title for upcoming Star Wars films are usually announced before the celebration. Of course, while Allen says that he knows the title, I have been seeing reports indicating that only director J.J. Abrams knows that information.

Star Wars: Episode IX will be in theaters on December 20, 2019.

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