STAR WARS Fans Start Your Engines Hot Wheels Style
Everyone knows that I love Star Wars. If you didn’t know, you now do. Imagine my excitement when I came upon something that looked like this:
That is the Emperor in a forward racing position piloting an Imperial Shuttle (one of my favorite ship designs). This image comes from Hot Wheels’ new line of Star Wars Battle Rollers. There are currently 5 options available: Emperor Palpatine in the Imperial Shuttle, Darth Vader in TIE Fighter, Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing, Boba Fett piloting Slave I (can you spot the weird part there), and Rey in the Millennium Falcon. These are Die-Cast toys (hence made of metal) with a ball bearing as the base which allows them to roll, race, crash, drift, and more. They are currently selling online for $12.07 and look like fun stocking stuffers for the fan of any age.
In addition to these five racers, reports that in the future we will see Kylo Ren in his TIE Silencer, Darth Maul in a Sith Infiltrator, a TIE Fighter Pilot obviously in a TIE Fighter, Poe Dameron piloting his X-Wing, Yoda in a Jedi Starfighter, C-3PO piloting the Landspeeder, and R2-D2 will have his own X-Wing. Which of the current ones is your favorite? Who do you want to see in the next installment? Should Han come in piloting the Millennium Falcon? What about Count Dooku’s ship?