STAR WARS Inspired GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Fan Poster by Matt Ferguson — GeekTyrant

STAR WARS Inspired GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Fan Poster by Matt Ferguson

Artist Matt Ferguson created this amazing Guardians of the Galaxy fan poster that was obviously inspired by the classic Star Wars poster. The poster appeared on Blurppy and then director James Gunn gave it his seal of approval by posting it on his Twitter feed. Here's what the artist had to say about the piece:

“I can’t think of a film I have been more excited about in years. When asked to make a poster for the Poster Posse based on Guardians Of The Galaxy I thought to my self ‘Why am I so excited about this film?’. This led me to think about the way it has been marketed as an old school space romp akin to Star Wars and other films of my youth… then I had a lightbulb moment and realized ‘Why not just do a Star Wars mashup!?!’. My favorite Star Wars poster is definitely the classic Tom Jung design for the first film, so I just did that. Simple really. I have a goood feeling about this movie.”

So do I.

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