STAR WARS Parody "All About That Base: No Rebels"

Meghan Trainor’s song "All About That Bass" is so catchy and addicting to listen to. Nerdist presents a Team Unicorn music video parody that mixes in Star Wars references called "All About That Base: No Rebels."

Team Unicorn is not the first to make a Star Wars parody using that hook. Youtube user Liminal Jay created a music video parody three days before Halloween. Team Unicorn did a much better job in my opinion in terms of lyrics, dancing, costumes, and references to both the original music video and Star Wars.

Details about the music video via Nerdist:

Meghan Trainor’s sassy “All About That Bass” has taken a trip to the galaxy far, far away in our latest Nerdist Presents: a new Team Unicorn music video! The Unicorns have dressed in Empire attire, brought in dancing stormtroopers and astromechs, added some Darth Sidious, and made the popular song an Imperial anthem. My inner Rebel is crying, but I can’t blame anyone for liking the Empire. They do have much better costumes… and Sith.
Team Unicorn channeled some of Trainor’s dance moves from the “All About That Bass” video and added their own unique touches. Plus, come on, Darth Vader-inspired outfits automatically make any choreography better. The lyrics are peppy and will likely get stuck in your head for the rest of the day.
The galactic parody was written by Blake Rodgers and stars Clare GrantRileah VanderbiltMilynn Sarley, and Alison Haislip, with a cameo from LeeAnna Vamp. Keep up with all things Team Unicorn on Twitter!

Subscribe for more Nerdist Presents: Nerdist Presents Team Unicorn's Star Wars parody of Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass. No Rebels.

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