STAR WARS: Top 5 Weapons That Aren't Lightsabers

Star Wars has more weapons than any one person would care to consider. Blasters are abundantly common, but there are tons of other weapons, from your classic firearms to bladed weapons and explosives. For this list we're going to stick to canon references only. While some of these may seems really similar, I'm taking into consideration how the weapons are used to their maximum effectiveness, their good old fashioned cool factor, and the character who uses them. All of these weapons are more than just tools of destruction, they are memorable pieces of storytelling.

Boba Fett's EE-3 Blaster Rifle

As one of the most successful bounty hunters in the galaxy, Boba Fett has a slew of weapons at his disposal. But this rifle stands out the most. Used by him in Return of the Jedi, the EE-3 is a solid rifle. Short enough to be used in close quarters it still packs a punch that can take down a mark in a single shot. The weapon is iconic, with most people forgetting that Boba uses a completely different rifle in Empire. The weapon's stock is removable, which allows him to use it as a sort of heavy pistol, and for easy storage. The iconic nature of the weapon, and the complete bad assery of its owner easily make this one of the coolest weapons in Star Wars.

Han Solo's DL-44

Han Solo's pistol of choice makes this list for a similar reason as Boba's rifle, it's iconic and belongs to an iconic bad ass. This pistol was clearly built to last, and is definitely maintained by Han pretty meticulously throughout its life. Not only does the weapon survive through three films — including an entire war — but the same pistol has been seen in some images from Episode VII, meaning that by the time the next installment takes place, Han will have had the same weapon for 40 years. If you ask me, that's one hell of a weapon.

Clone Trooper DC-15A

The standard issue rifle for mainline clone troopers, the rifle is seen extensively throughout the Clone Wars series. The sheer number of rifles alone qualifies it for this list, but we see it do quite a few things that aren't exactly standard issue. While there are smaller carbines that some clones use, it is discussed in Clone Wars that the increased range and durability of the DC-15A is worth the extra size and weight. Designed to be used either in fully automatic or single shot, the weapon is formidable in a range of different circumstances by itself. Add on the myriad of attachments available for it — including a grappling launcher — and the weapon is adaptable and dangerous in almost any circumstance.

Jango Fett's Gauntlets

This might seem like a strange one, but bear with me here. While technically armor, the various modifications that have been made to the pieces make them undeniably dangerous weapons as well. In Attack of the Clones, we see Jango use a flamethrower, a hook line launcher, and some serious looking blades, which he uses to climb a slick metal surface. In addition, he also has a short range missile and darts with various poisons applied to them built into the armor pieces. Add to that their natural protection to his arms, and you've got yourself a seriously effective weapon.

Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon

This was an easy choice for me to make. The Z-6 isn't seen too many times throughout Clone Wars but any time a clone rolls out one of these bad boys, shit is going to go down. There are plenty of occasions where a single clone takes out several squads of droids with just this weapon. The ability for a single man to take down dozens of troops is no mean feat. Not to mention, it's a freaking blaster minigun! What's not to love about a blaster minigun?! The sheer force multiplying ability of a weapon like this is an undeniable reason it belongs among the greatest weapons in the galaxy.

With all the weapons in the galaxy this was not a simple list to make, but I firmly believe these are some of the greatest weapons in the galaxy. What do you think? What Star Wars weapons do you love? Let us know in the comment section below!

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