Stephen King Reveals His Next Novel Will Focus on Holly Gibney From THE OUTSIDER and MR. MERCEDES

I’ve got exciting news for all of you Stephen King fans! As you know, the guy is a writing machine. It amazes me how many books he continually pumps out, and his secret is that he writes three pages a day.

King recently appeared on The Kingcast podcast hosted by Eric Vespe and Scott Wampler, and during that conversation, the author revealed what his next novel will be.

The novel will be titled Holly, and it will focus on the character Holly Gibney, a character who was introduced in Mr. Mercedes and who also was a character used as a major supporting character in King’s The Outsider. King said:

"(Holly Gibney) was supposed to be a walk-on character and she just kind of stole the book and stole my heart. So, I just finished a novel and it's called "Holly," and it's all her, man."

For those of you not familiar with the character, Holly suffers from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), synesthesia, sensory processing disorder, and it’s explained that she’s somewhere on the autism spectrum. Despite this, she’s very observant, refreshingly unfiltered and unaware of her innocence.

I’m excited to see what story King is going to tell with this character.

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