Stormtrooper Rides a Little AT-AT in Cool STAR WARS Arma 3 Mod
While we all impatiently wait for EA Games' Star Wars: Battlefront to be released, here's a great video showing off a Star Wars mod for the video game for Arma 3 that was created by McRuppertle. First it features a Stormtrooper taking down an AT-AT Imperial Walker, and then it cuts to an amusing scene that features a Stormtrooper riding a mini version of an AT-AT. I think it's awesome that people have the talent to make these kinds of things. I have no idea how they do it, but I sure do enjoy the fruits of their labor. Here's a note from the creator:
"This is an old Mod project I made over a year ago and never finished. I wanted to share some impressions of the first ingame test. This Walker was never finished and was just a test! The walk Animations are very poor done with o2 but it does the job. I dont think i will ever finish so enjoy the video hope you guys like it."