STRANGER THINGS Side-By-Side Comparison with Movie Inspirations from the '70s and '80s
If you are a fan of the new Netflix series Stranger Things, you have got to check out this video that offers a visual side-by-side comparison of the series with scenes from the several classic sci-fi, horror, and adventure films from the '70s and '80s that inspired it. The series perfect captured everything that I loved about growing up in that magical movie era.
The films included in the video are The Goonies, E.T., Alien, Firestarter, Poltergeist, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Shining, Stand By Me, Carrie, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Commando, and even Explorers, which was a favorite film of mine when I was a kid. It's really cool to see scenes from these movies compared to scenes from Stranger Things. Enjoy the video!