Stunning Collection of Frank Frazetta Fantasy Art Is Going Up For Sale
Conan the Buccaneer
Frank Frazetta is one of the best artists that has ever lived. His fantasy art is simply incredible. I was introduced to his art when I was a little kid going through my uncle's old books and comics collection. His stuff was just so cool, and it popped.
There is a huge collection of his work, including sketches, drawings, and watercolor paintings, that will be going up for sale. There’s a lot of art in this collection that I’ve never seen before, and seeing these gives me even more of an appreciation for Frazetta's talent.
The art is being auctioned off by Frazetta’s best friend Doc Dave Winiewicz. That auction will take place on Friday at 11 AM PST with Profiles in History. In an interview with io9, Winiewicz said:
“The thing that separates my collection from a lot of others is that I concentrated on drawings. Because I considered Frazetta to be the greatest draughtsman who ever lived.”
He went on to say, “Some of the sketches are just sketches, that he did out of the love of sketching,” and the collection also offers a wide range of “all the different aspects of Frazetta’s career.” When talking about his Frazetta’s craft Winiewicz said:
“This guy would sit down and create out of his imagination. 95 percent of his work that he produced was an imaginative work, it wasn’t photoreference… Just about every piece in my catalog is a piece by Frazetta that came out of his imagination, that wasn’t derivative in any way.”
That’s incredible! I didn’t realize that. It was also revealed in the interview that Frazetta created his most famous character, the Death Dealer, because “people were starting to circulate a rumor that he had lost it, that he hadn’t produced a great image in a long time.” Yeah, I don't think the guy ever lost anything. That character, along with the Snow Warriors, has become one of his most iconic images.
Make sure to head on over to io9 to read the rest of the interview, but below you will find an insane collection of beautiful art that you have to see! Some of the art near the bottom is NSFW.
Conan and the Savage Sea
Mastermind of Mars—Girl with Dagger
Lord of the Savage Jungle
Lord of the Rings—The Black Nazgul
Tarzan and the Castaways cover art
Death Dealer and Snow Queen
Death Dealer and Snow Queen
At the Earth’s Core
The Rescue
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
Tarzan at the Earth’s Core
Kubla Khan
At Earth’s Core
Flash Gordon Battles the Monster from Mongo
Tarzan the Invincible
The Lion Queen
Lord of the Jungle (Master of Adventure cover)
Flash Gordon and the Princess of Mongo
Funeral Pyre with Nude
A Gentle Breeze
The Encounter: spaceship and fairy-creature
Tarzan at the Earth’s Core cover art
Lion Queen (colored pencil)