Stunning Stop-Motion Animated Undead Pirate Short - A DROP OF GOLD
Filmmaker Christophe Peladan created an incredibly great short film called Goutte d’Or (A Drop of Gold), which tells the story of a pirate who enters the Kingdom of the Dead. While there, he encounters its beautiful Queen, who quickly captures his heart, but it’s not as easy to win over hers.
This is such beautifully conceived and executed stop-motion animated short film, and I know if you take the time to watch it, you’re going to love it. With its beautiful tone, storytelling, animation, and atmosphere, this is stunning work and it's a short film masterpiece.
The film was made back in 2013, but it has finally made its way online. It might just be the best things that you watch today. I truly loved this film, and I hope you all enjoy it as well. The film does have some puppet nudity, so it might not be safe for work.