SUPER TROOPERS Director Jay Chandrasekhar Has Met With Marvel Studios

There are big changes coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Avengers 4. We really don't know what exactly the MCU is going to look like after that movie, but Marvel Studios is prepping for the future! 

It's no secret that Marvel likes to meet with lots of directors for their film projects and one of the directors they recently met with was Jay Chandrasekhar, who is the director of the two Super Trooper comedies that have been made.

He's definitely an interesting out-of-the-box choice to direct a Marvel movie, but while talking to Syfy Wire, he said:

"They sent me the Marvel Encyclopedia and they said, 'What do you guys want to do?' So, it's upstairs. My kid's going through it, and he's going to make a list of what he thinks we should do, and I'll go through it. I'm curious to see what a 13-year-old's mind comes up with."

That's pretty cool that Marvel is going out to directors and asking them what they would want to do! That tells us there's room to play with some characters that they haven't really thought of playing with yet. When asked what he was into, the filmmaker said:

"... There are certain ones that are owned by Fox, so you can't do those. But there are plenty of people there — I mean, look at Deadpool. You're like, well I didn't know you could do that. Great. Let's do something like that. Right?

He then explains that the Marvel Encyclopedia arrived a few days ago and that they "just had a general meeting." He also makes a point of saying that he realizes he's not the only one. As for the types of comic books that Chandrasekhar was into, he was more fond of Archie than Marvel or DC:

"There were too many details in the drawings [of superhero books]. I had a very developed sense of tone when I was a kid. It also felt like you were picking it up in the middle. And I could never quite get in front of it. I guess people would go all the way back to issue one when they started. I was aware of that, vaguely. But ultimately I bought my comic books at grocery stores and I don't remember a large superhero section."

It'd be interesting to know what Marvel characters he would want to play with. I imagine he might be drawn to more of the weirder characters like The Almighty Dollar, Phone Ranger, Hell Cow, Orb, or Frog-Man. There are tons of off-the-wall characters in the Marvel universe! 

What do you think about Jay Chandrasekhar directing a Marvel film, and if he did end up directing one, what character would you like to see him take on?

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