Sylvester Stallone Wants To Make a TANGO & CASH Sequel with Kurt Russell and He's Still Working on That COBRA Series — GeekTyrant

Sylvester Stallone Wants To Make a TANGO & CASH Sequel with Kurt Russell and He's Still Working on That COBRA Series

Sylvester Stallone has enjoyed revisiting his past roles such as Rocky and Rambo recently, but there’s a couple other past properties that he’s looking to bring back as well.

During a recent interview with Fandango, Stallone revealed that he would love to reteam with Kurt Russell for a Tango & Cash sequel:

“I would do Tango & Cash in a second. I know, with Kurt [Russell], it’s not about a caper… it’s just us doing our thing."

It sounds like Russell might need some convincing to do it, though. When Stallone approached him about it he recalls him saying something along the lines of:

"'I don’t know, Sly…There we were in our prime and now we’re in our unprime, I dunno.' So I said, 'Kurt, I’m telling you, ya gotta go in on this.' So he said, 'I’ll talk to you when I get back.'"

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Tango & Cash, but I would sure enjoy seeing Stallone and Russell together on the big screen again! That would be a lot of fun!

Stallone also offered an update on his Cobra series. A few months ago he said that he was working on trying to make it happen, and now he’s revealed that he’s looking to get Robert Rodriguez involved:

“I’m talking with Robert Rodriguez right now about Cobra, which looks like that could happen. It’s basically his baby now.”

In the original 1986 action film, Stallone played an LAPD officer who finds himself at the center of a spate of murders carried out by a secret society called New Order: killers who select "weak" members of society for extermination. After he takes a witness to one of the murders into protective custody, they end up fighting for their lives.

Stallone will next be seen back in the role of John Rambo in Rambo: Last Blood. What do you all think about these new projects that Stallone is trying to get off the ground? Would you want to see a Tango & Cash sequel or a Cobra TV series?

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