The preview for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #53 is here, and I love it! Zedd creates his Dark Rangers using a Rita clone that Finster has made. Meanwhile, Grace and Billy recharge the Dragon Coin and then have a chat where Grace refuses to let Billy tell Zordon about this. Oh boy. This is going to be something else. Also, if it goes through where they choose a Ranger instead of Zordon, I think that adds to my idea of Violet becoming the new Green Ranger instead of Drakkon. MMPR #53 is written by Ryan Parrott and features art by Moisés Hidalgo.
Lord Zedd has released his greatest creation yet-the ALL NEW DARK RANGERS; Baboo, Goldar, Squat, Finster and Rita Repulsa, powered by the Green Chaos Crystal, against the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! What is the full extent of Lord Zedd's master plan?
You can grab a copy of MMPR #53 on August 26 from your local comic shop or through digital outlets like comiXology.