Take An In Depth Look At The Animation Of METROID DREAD

Metroid Dread was a standout game for me this year. It looked and played amazing and even though I collected everything I could, I wasn’t ready for the game to be over. Well now you can check out this video that takes an in depth look at how good the animation is from YouTube channel Video Game Animation Study.

Everything from Samus’ movements to bosses to environments, you’ll get to see nice slowed down animation sequences and a discussion of how they work and why they work so well in the game. There is a fair amount of comparison to other Metroid titles too so it’s fun to see how certain aspects have evolved and have been made better over the years. For example, how the suit in Metroid Dread is less bulky than in past titles and allows for more dexterous and dynamic movement from Samus.

There are story spoilers in the video, so watch at your own risk if you haven’t played the game. If you liked Metroid Dread or are just really into video game animation, then I think you’ll enjoy this video.

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