TALESPIRE Wants to Up Your Digital Tabletop RPG Experience

Digital tabletops are becoming more and more popular for fans of tabletop RPGs. From Tabletop Simulator to Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds, many groups of friends are gathering online to play these pen and paper games now and a new contender is wanting to enter the market. Bouncyrock Entertainment is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for TaleSpire so that it can release on Early Access in 8 months after the Kickstarter ends.

With TaleSpire you’ll be able to create 3D maps and use digital miniatures in place of flat tokens. It looks great as an idea and I think it’s fantastic for a lot of reasons. There’s even a “Cinematic Mode” that GMs can use to take control of everything and create a cool scene for players. What’s more is that TaleSpire is being built to be system agnostic which means it doesn’t matter if you prefer Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, FATE, Star Wars RPG, or something else. This will still work for you.

You can go ahead and pledge on Kickstarter with a pledge of about $20 necessary to get a copy of the game with more expensive pledges gaining you more copies and other goodies. As I’ve mentioned, this looks like it has a lot of potential. T

aleSpire is looking to raise $127,185 by August 8. At the time of writing, it is 61% funded.

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bouncyrock/talespire Website: https://talespire.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/6zBtw49

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