TANK GIRL Director, Rachel Talalay, Says She has a Strong Vision for a SHE-HULK Movie

So many superhero movies are being made now, it's hard to keep track of them all. And sadly, so many of them are the same thing with different packaging. However, every now and then, someone gets an idea for something a bit different like Logan or Deadpool. That sounds exactly like what director Rachel Talalay wants to do.

Talalay is not foreign to directing comic adaptions. Having helmed the cult classic film Tank Girl, and recently having directed episodes of The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow. She's now interested in taking on She-Hulk and she recently shared that she has a completely new vision for the character. While talking to Vice she said:

"The difference between She-Hulk and Hulk is that she loved being She-Hulk. She was the Tank Girl of earlier days in terms of being able to say what she wanted, and when she became She-Hulk, it was like an opening of the door to freedom, to be the person that you wish you could be. That you're stopped from being as a woman. And that's the version of She-Hulk that I would love to embrace."

I think a lot of good could come from this. She-Hulk has always been a very interesting character in the comics. She was breaking the fourth wall long before Deadpool was even conceived, or at least before he was the Deadpool we know now. She-Hulk could really be a fun and funny film idea. Especially if they get creative with it and not use the same old formula that they always use. Focus instead on the psychological aspects of being a Hulk, and the freedom it can give you, and then add the comedy of being a lawyer for super-heroes and villains. That always is enjoyable, seeing a man in a porcupine costume on the bench for a testimony. You could even have Howard the Duck make a crossover. What do you think? Sound off below.

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