TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Footage Was Shown at CinemaCon and It Looks Epically Badass!

During the Paramount Pictures presentation at CinemaCon, director Tim Miller came out on stage to introduce the very first footage from producer James Cameron’s Terminator: Dark Fate and it was was pretty damn impressive!

Before the footage rolled, Miller wanted to make sure that we all knew that the new Terminator villain played by Diego Luna has the ability to split into two separate Terminator killing machines, which is something that we got to see in the footage and it’s extremely cool!

The director also stressed that this movie is a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgement Day and while he was talking about working on it he got so emotional over the opportunity he had to make this movie. The guy truly does love the movie that he made.

Before I get into the footage we saw, I have to say that the vibe and the tone of the film is right in line with the original two films that were released and it has James Cameron’s style written all over it. As soon as the footage started to roll, it felt like those original films!

The footage that was screened started out in Mexico City, where on a highway, we see electrical volts start to form and it gets detailed by showing the ground starting to freeze. A time travel bubble emerges in between the bridge and the ground. When the bubble goes away we see the nude body of Mackenzie Davis fall and drop to the ground.

A couple in the area see her fall and run over to help. As they are helping her walk and get help three police cars drive up. When they step out of their cars and assess the situation, Davis’ character notices their weapons and automatically kicks into defense mode and starts to brutally kick the living shit out of them! She is a totally and complete badass! After she’s done, she steps up to the couple that helped her and they thank her. She tells them, “Don’t thank me yet” and takes the guy’s clothes.

The next scene that we were shown features Davis’ character helping a young girl who seems to be being hunted down by Diego Luna’s Terminator. The Terminator is split in two. One looks like Luna and is made out of black liquid metal. The other one is a refined cool looking exoskeleton Terminator machine.

As the Terminators surround Davis and the girl, Davis says, “When they start to kill me, run.” At this point a big truck comes racing down the street and screeches to a halt. The door opens and Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor steps out holding an assault rifle and immediately starts firing at the Terminators. When she is done with Luna’s version, she takes out a bazooka and fires it at the exoskeleton and it explodes on impact. At the end of this scene she casually tells Davis, “I’ll be back.”

We are then treated to a bunch of action-packed clips from the film, many of which feature Arnold Schwarzenegger back in action and kicking ass. There was a great money shot where we see Hamilton and Schwarzenegger together side-by-side blowing away the enemy with their guns. It was so freakin’ cool!

Yeah, I’m 100% on board with this movie! It looks like it’s going to be a hell of a great film and something that James Cameron would be proud of. Tim Miller certainly is! Miller was filled with emotion and as he tried to hold back his tears he said:

“To say that working on this movie was a labor of love for me is an enormous fucking understatement. I think all of you can imagine what a responsibility it is to take over this franchise…I still remember when I came to L.A. Saw it at a theater in Westwood. Fucking blew me away. If I could go back in time, like time travel’s a big thing in this movie, and tell that incredibly handsome young nerd that he would one day be continuing the story of these iconic characters, I would’ve passed out in my fucking popcorn."

Go see Terminator: Dark Fate when it lands in theaters on November 1st. I can’t wait to see this movie! Terminator fans are going to be so happy when they see this trailer! I have no idea when it will drop but when it does we’ll get it posted for you!

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