That Big Traumatic Moment in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Was Originally Supposed to Happen in AVENGERS 4

I'm sure most of you have already seen Avengers: Infinity War, but this article focuses on the ending of the film, so if you're one of the seven people that haven't seen it yet, you might not want to read any further. 

Turns out that big traumatic moment at the end of Avengers: Infinity War where Thanos snapped his fingers and obliterated half the population of the universe was originally supposed to happen in Avengers 4. Writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely explained to the New York Times why they changed it up:

"What we realised is, it would feel more like a cliffhanger than we intended."

Markus went on to explain that the choice to push the snap through in Infinity War came out of the desire to make two distinct Avengers movies. Had the Snap been pushed to Part 2, "it would be a continuation of exactly what you were watching before." He went on to say that the culmination of 10 years of building the MCU movies should "be as big as it wants to be, and as sprawling."

So they decided to go "all the way to a tragic ending." That will lead into the next film where "mysterious things happen that I can’t tell you about." McFeely says that one of the other reasons they decided to end Infinity War with the snap is because "it’s really, I think, difficult to predict where we go next."

Now we just have to wait awhile before seeing how the next chapter of the story plays out! 

Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3rd, 2019.

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