That JUMP FORCE Game May Get an Anime or Manga Adaptation
Did you all check out that surprise new game from Bandai Namco, Jump Force, that was shown at E3? It features Goku, Luffy, Naruto, and more in what appears to be some kind of fighting game, and it shows a good amount of potential. If they add the right characters, this would be a must-have for any Shonen Jump fan. That being said, there’s a possibility that Jump Force will not be limited to a video game. Comic Book spoke to public relations manager for Bandai Namco, Nick O’Leary, at E3 and asked if a manga or anime or some other media was in the works and here’s his response:
“Yeah, we’ll be working with the licensers of Shonen Jump and Viz and all those kinds of companies to make this a big celebration of the 50th year anniversary of the magazine,” O’Leary said, referring to the Shonen Jump magazine. “So expect things to be happening throughout the year and throughout the campaign.”
It sounds like it’s all up to Shonen Jump and Viz. It appears Bandai Namco is up to work with the companies to celebrate 50 years of Shonen. Would you like a manga or anime adaptation? What do you think the story should be? Write your best fanfic below.