The BATMAN AND HARLEY QUINN Animated Film Trailer Teases a Playful Team-Up Adventure
Warner Bros. Animation has released the first full trailer for their DC animated film Batman and Harley Quinn. The film revolves around Batman (Kevin Conroy) and Nightwing (Loren Lester) who are forced to reluctantly team-up with Harley Quinn (Melissa Rauch) in an attempt to stop a global catastrophe caused by Poison Ivy (Paget Brewster) and Jason Woodrue, AKA the Floronic Man.
As you'll see in the trailer, this film has a lighter and more playful tone and style reminiscent of Batman: The Animated Series. It has a more comedic tone than anything else DC has done recently with their animated films. It actually looks like it could end up being a fun flick!
Watch the trailer and tell us what you think!