The Best SOME GOOD NEWS With John Krasinski Yet Features the Cast of THE OFFICE and a Very Special Wedding

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John Krasinski has really outdone himself in this week’s seventh episode of his web series, Some Good News. The episode focuses on lots of great videos and fun from around the web, but the theme of this week is love. We get to see couples dancing, getting married, renewing vows, new babies born in the pandemic, and all sorts of expressions of love.

This brings us to the video of a very special engagement that happened recently between a couple in Maryland, who got engaged in the exact same manner as Jim and Pam from The Office, at the gas station halfway between the Scranton office and Pam’s New York art school. The couple sent their video to Krasinski and expressed their love for the show, and Krasinski went on to orchestrate the most incredible surprise for this pair of fans ever.

Check it out below, and enjoy!

John Krasinski highlights some good news around the world (including weather from Emma Stone) and has his friends from The Office join in to surprise a newly...

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