THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT Episode 1 is a Great Start To What Will Be an Awesome Series

The first episode of The Book of Boba Fett is now available to watch on Disney+ and I’ve already watched it a couple of times. The first episode of the series is titled “Stranger in a Strange Land” and it was a great start to what I’m sure will be an awesome series! This first episode gave the fans what they wanted and gave us the backstory of what happened to Boba Fett after he was swallowed by the Sarlacc in The Return of the Jedi.

Most of the episode focused on this aspect of the character and featured flashbacks of how he managed to survive his fall into the Sarlacc. These are presented in dreams while Boba Fett is sleeping in a healing bacta fluid.

We learn that all it took to get out was his flamethrower and some major digging skills to escape from the belly of the beast. Once out, the Jawas show up and rip his muddy and slimy armor off of him. Not long after that he is taken captive by the ruthless Tusken Raiders.

At one point while being held captive, Boba Fett tried to escape, but that doesn’t go too well and he gets the crap beat out of him by one of the Tuskin Raiders, who I assume is second in command of the tribe. This eventually leads to Fett and another prisoners to be forced to dig for water in the hot desert, and there is a young Tuskin Raider who Fett seems to be influencing and making a connection with. This young Tuskin seems fascinated by Fett, but they also wants Fett to know that he or she is strong and can stand up to him.

While they are digging for water, a giant creature comes roaring up out of the sand and attacks the small group. Boba Fett ultimately takes out the beast and they return to the Tuscan camp with the head of the beast and the young Raider is showing it off to everyone and telling the story of what happened. Because of this, Fett ultimately earns the Tuskens' respect by killing a terrifying sand creature.

In the storyline that takes place in the present, Boba and Fennec are in the process of taking over Jabba The Hutt’s empire. They are trying to figure out the best way to rule the underworld. While Boba is looking to rule with respect, Fennec wants to follow traditions, and make sure that people fear them.

The Mayor of Mos Espa seems like he’s going to be some trouble and while others are coming to the palace to pay their respect, the mayor doesn't bother coming to the palace, he’s sends his Twi'lek majordomo in his place and refuses to pay his dues to Boba, and instead, actually demands tribute from Boba. As he leaves, he says, "I would not be surprised if you receive another delegation in the near future.”

Boba and Fennec leave the palace to visit the local cantina for some business, which goes smoothly, but after that, an assassination attempt is made on Boba by a group that calls themselves "Night Wind Assassins." We haven’t seen this group before in the Star Wars universe, and we don’t know who sent them. I just assume that it’s Mos Espa's unseen mayor. However, it could be anyone else as Boba has made a lot of enemies over the years.

I’m sure we’ll learn more about them in the next episode as Fennec captured one alive.

I was completely happy with this first episode and it was especially cool to see what happened to Boba Fett not long after the events of that battle in Return of the Jedi. That was really the main purpose of this episode, and while I’m sure that we will get some more flashbacks shedding additional light on Boba’s story, I’m excited to see how his present story will play out.

What did you all think of the first episode?!

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