The Cast and Director of WONDER WOMAN 1984 Pose For a BREAKFAST CLUB-Style Photo

Here's a great photo featuring director Patty Jenkins and the cast of Wonder Woman 1984 recreating the iconic image from John Hughes' classic 1985 film The Breakfast Club. The photo features Gal Gadot as Molly Ringwald's Claire Standish; Pedro Pascal as Emilio Estevez's Andrew Clark; Chris Pine as Anthony Michael Hall's Brian Johnson; Kristen Wiig as Ally Sheedy's Allison Reynolds; and Patty Jenkins as Judd Nelson's John Bender.

The photo was originally posted by Pascal on his Instagram account but has since been deleted for some reason. But, because this is the Internet, the photo lives on and you can see in full below. It's a fun tribute to the 80s. 

When previously talking about the film during Comic-Con, Gal Gadot said, “[Wonder Woman 1984 is] not a sequel, it’s a different chapter, it’s a whole new movie.” Director Patty Jenkins added, “I want to make great movies. I realized I have these characters that I love, this world that I love, and we can make this whole new movie about something pure and strong and unique as the first one, of course, I want to do that." When addressing why the movie was set in the 80s, Jenkins said that it was because the '80s "was mankind at their best and worst."

The story is set in 1984 and is said to follow Diana Prince as she reunites with Steve Trevor to fight evil. The movie also stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, and Kristen Wiig as Cheetah. 

The screenplay was written by director Patty Jenkins, Geoff Johns, and Dave Callaham. The film will be released on November 1, 2019.

Via: Screen Rant

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