The Cast of O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU? Are Reuniting For The Film's 20th Anniversary
O Brother, Where Art Thou? is one of my favorite films to come from the Coen Brothers. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 20 years since the film was released! That’s just crazy to me! I recently watched the film again and was once again blown away by its comedic genius.
For those of you who are also fans of the film, you’ll be happy to know that the “Soggy Bottom Boys” will be getting back together for a virtual reunion! That’s right, George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson and Chris Thomas King will reunite to celebrate the film’s 20th anniversary at the Nashville Film Festival.
The celebration will also include musical performances from Dan Tyminski of Alison Krauss & Union Station, who provided Clooney’s singing voice on the songs in the film. King will also reprise his musical performance from the film. There will also be two representatives of the Carter Family whose early 20th century sound was repopularized by the film, Carlene Carter and her daughter Tiffany Anastasia Lowe. Kathleen Edwards and the Dead South will offer songs as part of the tribute as well.
The O Brother, Where Art Thou? event will be a part of the festival’s Oct. 1-7 virtual schedule. It will be free to Nashville Film Festival passholders, and tickets just for the “O Brother” event can be purchased for $12 at
Will you be joining in on the fun?