The Cinematographer of LOST and CLOVERFIELD Will Direct Killer Teddy Bear Movie

A couple of years ago, a fun short horror film was released online called Teddy Bears Are For Lovers. The short went viral and now it's being adapted into a feature film. According to DeadlineLost and Cloverfield cinematographer Michael Bonvillain is the guy who has jumped on board to direct it.

The story follows a man named Collin who is haunted by all the teddy bears that he gave to his ex-girlfriends. These teddy bears attack him with a vengeance and it's the funniest damn thing as he and his current girlfriend try to escape these blood-thirsty stuffed animals. If you haven't seen the short yet, I posted it for you to watch below. 

To make things even better, Bonvillain is also apparently in talks with Peter Jackson’s Weta Workshop to build the evil teddy bears and work on the effects of the film!

The short film comes from David Ernesto Vendrell, Matthew Hawksworth and Almog Avidan Antonir, and the movie will be produced by Inner Space and Gremlins director Joe Dante. When talking to Deadline, Bonvillain said the film will have "humor, scares, and emotions." He also says:

"This project, which at its heart is a love story, builds so many different layers on top of it to create an absolutely horrifying and hilarious thrill ride that keeps you entertained from start to finish. Having been involved as a cinematographer on a number of great films over the years that blended elements of horror and thriller with comedy, I’m excited to direct a project that I think hits all those notes and is hugely entertaining."

The producers of the film added:

"Teddy Bears immediately drew us in from page one because it has something that has become increasingly lacking at the multiplex… it’s a blast. Taking inspiration from the type of films we grew up with, this film hits every chord of why we love going to the movies: mixing just the right amount of thrills and scares with a fun joyride."

Watch the short and let us know if you think this will make a good feature lenth movie! 

A short horror comedy following a 20-something Casanova who becomes haunted by the teddy bears he gave to his ex-girlfriends. Directed by Almog Avidan Antonir Written by David Ernesto Vendrell Produced by Matthew Hawksworth Editor: Ryan Dayhoff Animatronic Teddy Bears by Raptor House Effects Starring: Ken Ashton as Collin Marie Oldenbourg as Sarah Phil Miller as the voice of Mr. Snuggles David Caprita as the voice of Stitches Chase Cargill as the voice of One-Eye Barry John F.

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