The Classic HE-MAN Intro Gets a Sweded Live-Action Remake
"By the power of Greyskull! I have the POWER!"
The intro to the classic 1980s cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe has gotten a hilarious sweded live-action remake. It comes from CineFix, and it's pretty damn fantastic! I also included a side-by-side comparison with the original intro. If you grew up watching He-Man when you were a kid, this is sure to give you a laugh!
By the Power of Grayskull! The beloved '80s cartoon intro sequence gets the Homemade treatment! Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite movies trailers and scenes! Every episode is an exact shot-for-shot remake created at home without any visual effects. It's homemade movie magic!
Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite movies trailers and scenes! Every episode is an exact shot-for-shot remake created at home without any visual effects. It's homemade movie magic! Let us know in the comments what movie you want to see homemade next!