The Disney Princess D&D Series DAMSELS, DICE, AND EVERYTHING NICE Has Launched Its Second Episode
The princesses from Disney films have gathered for their second session of Dungeons & Dragons. That’s right, Damsels, Dice, and Everything Nice is back for their second episode. This time, the princesses (with Belle as the DM) discuss how they all know each other and then a small brawl breaks out. My favorite part is that Tiana’s Druid is named Aly Gator. This is followed closely by Megara’s use of necromancy.
Damsels, Dice, and Everything Nice is a webseries created by Kailey Bray. Also, the episode is only 10 minutes long so it’s not a great time investment. Definitely something fun for Disney and D&D fans. More episodes are planned and you can stay up to date by following their Twitter account.