The Final Scene in TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Sets Up Something I Wish I Could Be Excited About

If you haven’t watched Transformers: Rise of the Beasts yet, you might want to skip this because I get into some major spoiler territory with how the movie ended.

If I would have actually enjoyed the movie, I might have been excited with the way it ended and what it set up for the future. I wish I could be excited about what was set up, but with Paramount’s track record with these films, I just anticipate what happens in the future is going to be more of the same.

The end of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts sets up the big G.I. Joe and Transformers crossover. I knew one day that this would happen, but the franchises are not ready for it. I’ll talk about that later in the article, but first, I’ll explain how the whole G.I. Joe thing was set up.

Over the course of the film Noah Diaz (Anthony Ramos) is having problems finding a job and in the middle of his struggles, he finds himself swept away in an adventure to save the world from Unicron with his new Transformers friends.

At the end of his harrowing journey, which saw him fight one of the main villains better than any of the other Transformers characters, he ends up at a job interview at a shipping company that is conducted by an unnamed individual played by Zeljko Ivanek.

It’s here he learns that a top-secret organization has been following his exploits with the Transformers, and they want to offer him a job. At first, some fans might have assumed that this was a tease for Sector Seven, which was the government organization in charge of handling the Transformers. But, Noah is handed a card and when he looks at that card, he sees that he’s being recruited by G.I. Joe to act as an official liaison with the Autobots.

I just have to say that top-secret government organizations shouldn’t be handing out cards. That’s an easy way to get the secret out.

Anyway, back to these two franchises not being ready for a crossover. Paramount Pictures still hasn’t really found solid footing with G.I. Joe! That franchise needs a complete reboot, it needs to stand on its own before crossing it over with Transformers.

I’m seriously confused as to how Paramount Pictures hasn’t been able to figure out the G.I. Joe franchise. It’s such an easy franchise to play with, but they keep screwing it up! I would like for them to actually make some cool G.I. Joe movies before they start throwing Transformers into the mix!

Now, it seems like the whole rebuilding of the G.I. Joe franchise is going to happen in the Transformers universe. If this is the plan, then both of them should have started fresh. They should have completely ignored all of the Transformers and G.I. Joe films in the past and started a new journey from scratch.

There’s a long game to play with bringing these two franchises together and to do it properly, they have to tell a cohesive story that makes sense for the two of them to come together. Marvel Studios played the long game, which led to The Avengers movie. DC played the short game, which lead to Batman v Superman and Justice League. We all know which one turned out better.

There are so many characters in the G.I. Joe and Transformers franchises to play with, there are multiple films with each franchise that could be made with these characters, and those films would lead to the epic crossover that fans would be excited about! There’s a smart way to do it, but randomly throwing G.I. Joe in at the end of Rise of the Beasts is not the way. That’s how you set up another mediocre movie.

Hey Paramount, if you want to know a great way to handle the G.I. Joe franchise and make some awesome movies, please, give me a call. I want to see you make great films with these franchises!

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