The First Season Marvel's WHAT IF...? Animated Series Will Include 10-Episodes and Season 2 is Already in Development

Marvel Studios’ What If…? animated series is one that I’m super excited about seeing. The series is an anthology that features The Watcher as he looks at instances of where the MCU could have gone in a completely different direction.

Some of the things the episodes will explore include T'Challa As Star-Lord; Zombie Captain America fighting Bucky Barnes; Peggy Carter as Captain Carter, Steve Rogers never getting the serum, and more stories that have yet to be revealed. You can see some previously released footage here.

We’ve known that the series would consist of 23 episodes, but those episodes won’t be released in a single season. They will be broken up into seasons. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige recently confirmed at CCXP that the first season will consist of 10 episodes and they are working on an additional ten for Season 2:

"I’m very happy that we’re doing the What If…? series for Disney+ right now, and I’ve seen most of them. We have ten for Season 1, we’re already working on the next ten for Season 2.

We’ve revealed one that is very exciting, we’ve talked about it for years, which is the one where Peggy Carter gets the Super Soldier serum and becomes Captain Carter. That’s the very first episode, and I’m excited for people to see that. I’m excited to see the finished version of that, and I’m excited for the world to see it."

The voice cast includes Michael B. Jordan as Killmonger, Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, Josh Brolin as Thanos, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter, Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, Karen Gillan as Nebula, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Paul Rudd as Ant-Man, Michael Douglas as Hank Pym, Neal McDonough as Dum Dum Dugan, Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark, Sean Gunn as Kraglin, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Taika Waititi as Korg, Toby Jones as Arnim Zola, Djimon Hounsou as Korath, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, and Michael Rooker as Yondu.

Marvel Studios' What If...? is going to premiere on Disney+ in Summer 2021.

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