The GAMBIT Movie is Described as Having a "Romantic or Sex Comedy Vibe"
Some new details have surfaced regarding Channing Tatum’s Gambit movie and I’m curious to see what the reactions of the fans will be.
In a recent interview with IGN, producer Simon Kinberg offered some new information on the project saying that it will have a "romantic or sex comedy vibe" to it. He explains:
"When you look at Gambit. He’s a hustler and a womanizer and we just felt like there was an attitude, a swagger to him, that lent itself to romantic comedy. Deadpool was an R-rated, raunchy comedy, Logan was a western, Gambit’s gonna be a romantic comedy, and New Mutants is very decidedly a horror film."
Kinberg goes on to clarify labeling the film a romantic comedy saying:
"You know, when I say romantic comedy, I use that term loosely, in the same term that I use the term western for Logan loosely. It’s not like they’re gunslingers at high noon in Logan. It’s just a vibe. And I would say the vibe of Gambit has a romantic or sex comedy vibe to it. While it is also still very much a superhero movie with villains and heroes, as all these movies are."
I can see the romantic comedy tone working for Gambit because it does kinda fit the character and who he is. The most important thing about the development of this movie is that it has a great script that tells a great story. If they are going to be comparing it to films like Deadpool and Logan, it better end up being just as good as those. Kinberg goes on to say that he thinks the film has a great script and reveals that Fox is still moving forward with some of the other Marvel films, so there’s no signs of slowing down even though Disney is about to take over:
"Gambit has a great script and we’re looking to start that movie early next year. Multiple Man, that script’s being worked on right now," Kinberg said. As for X-Force, "we’re just waiting for Drew Goddard to be done with releasing his film that comes out in a few weeks, and then he’ll get started on that script to direct."
I’ve been a fan of Gambit ever since I was a kid and I want to see a great movie get made! That would make me so happy! As for a lead female character, I hope that they bring Rogue into the mix. Gambit and Rogue have a long history with each other. It’s be a shame not to include her.
What do you think about the Gambit film being developed as a romantic comedy?