THE HATEFUL EIGHT Featurette is a Must-Watch For Hardcore Film Nerds
Any new movie by Quentin Tarantino is a big deal, but his new western The Hateful Eight looks to be one of the biggest events of the year. You may have heard about how the Oscar-winning writer/director plans to unveil the movie in a roadshow format on Christmas Day, and now The Weinstein Company has released a featurette that includes star Samuel L. Jackson explaining the history of the roadshow, as well as interviews with Tarantino, cinematographer Bob Richardson, and some of the cast talking about the 70mm lenses they were able to use from Panavision. This is absolutely must-watch material for any serious film nerd out there.
And one of the coolest things the featurette doesn't mention? The roadshow version of the movie will feature an additional 12 minutes that won't be seen in traditional theaters. I'd highly recommend carving some time out of your Christmas celebration to seek this film out in this format — it looks incredible.