The INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM Mine Cart Action Scene Used Dolls! Now I Can't Unsee it!
In a recent episode of VFX Artists React, the gang at Corridor Crew talk about the visual effects work done for scenes from films such as Black Widow, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the Transformers films, and more.
One of the craziest things they point out in the Temple of Doom footage is in the mine cart action scene, the filmmakers were using dolls to shoot them! It’s kinda mind-blowing to have pointed out because I never noticed it before! But, now that I see it, I can’t unsee it!
There are some really cool behind-the-scenes shots from Temple of Doom that I’d never seen before in this video, so this was really cool to watch and learn some things from these guys that I never knew before. Anyway, enjoy!