The Latest JUSTICE LEAGUE Flash Photo Features a Cool Homage To SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE

Last week a new photo was released for Justice League featuring The Flash (Ezra Miller) in his headquarters. The image was loaded with Easter eggs, but not many people really paid attention to what Berry Allan is wearing in the photo. I didn't even notice it until it was pointed out to me! 

Look at the jacket he's wearing. At first sight, it really doesn't look like anything special. But, the jacket is actually paying homage to Richard Donner's Superman: The Movie. As you can see in the photos below, it's the same jacket that young Clark Kent (Jeff East) wore in the film!

As a fan of Superman: The Movie, I thought this little tribute was pretty damn awesome! 

A new photo of Ezra Miller as The Flash was released today. I thought I recognised the jacket! #JusticeLeagueCountdown

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