Watch The Lost Soviet Union Version of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING


I had no idea that this existed before today. In the final days of the Soviet Union, a film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring was made and aired on Soviet TV. The film was thought to be lost, but it recently popped up on YouTube for the world to see. The Guardian explains:

The 1991 made-for-TV film, Khraniteli, based on Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, is the only adaptation of his Lord of the Rings trilogy believed to have been made in the Soviet Union.

Aired 10 years before the release of the first instalment of Peter Jackson’s movie trilogy, the low-budget film appears ripped from another age: the costumes and sets are rudimentary, the special effects are ludicrous, and many of the scenes look more like a theatre production than a feature-length film.

This is definitely an interesting film to watch.

Телеспектакль по мотивам повести Д.Р.Р.Толкиена "Хранители". Ленинградское телевидение 1991 год. ---"Хранители" и "Властелин Колец": кто исполнил роли в куль...

Продолжение телеспектакля по мотивам повести Д.Р.Р.Толкиена "Хранители". Ленинградское телевидение 1991 год. ---"Хранители" и "Властелин Колец": кто исполнил...

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